One of the key pieces of a design system is a well-defined spacing system. This ensures that both designers and developers can use spacing consistently across projects. A well-defined spacing system is one of the key pieces of a design system, allowing designers and developers to apply consistent spacing across projects. In Zeplin, you can create a spacing system that promotes seamless collaboration within your product team.
You can start to create your set of spacing tokens by clicking on the "Add first token" button from the "Spacing" page under Foundations of your styleguide.
Zeplin suggests names and values when you create them, but you can change these variables to match your design system.
Zeplin also displays translucent overlays when reviewing screens so that you can easily differentiate where spacing tokens are used. You also have the option to change the overlay colors to provide the best contrast for your designs.
Once you finish defining your spacing tokens in your styleguide, Zeplin displays these spacing tokens right on the screens while you inspect the layers. You can also get platform-specific code snippets for these spacing tokens through Zeplin extensions: Style sheet variables (CSS, Sass, et al.), Swift constants, and XML variables.
βοΈ If you define measurements based on a single base value, you can create a single spacing token in your styleguide, and this way, Zeplin displays multiples of this spacing token on the screens.
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