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Global Styleguides
Create and organize your design system—colors, text styles, spacing tokens and components
Advantages of using StyleguidesLearn how your team can benefit from using Styleguides
Creating a styleguideLearn how to create a styleguide
Choosing a styleguide typeLearn more about global styleguide types and their differences
Defining parent and child styleguidesLearn the differences between parent and child styleguides
Setting styleguide thumbnailLearn how to set a thumbnail for your styleguide
Linking a project to a styleguideLearn how to link a project to a styleguide
Exporting to a styleguideLearn how to export to a global styleguide
Creating your spacing systemLearn how to add your spacing tokens to Zeplin
Organizing components using Sections and GroupsLearn how to organize components in your Styleguides using Sections and Groups
Modifying styleguide colorsLearn how to organize color in your styleguide
Modifying styleguide text stylesLearn how to add, edit, and delete text styles in your project styleguide
Enabling rem unitLearn how to enable rem unit
Adding a user to a styleguideLearn how to invite a teammate and share your styleguide
Removing a member from a styleguideLearn how to remove a member from a global styleguide
Moving colors, text styles or components between styleguidesLearn how to transfer colors, text styles or components from one styleguide to another
Exporting semantic colorsLearn how to export semantic colors to Zeplin
Renaming a styleguideLearn how to update the name of a styleguide
Making a copy of a styleguideLearn how to make a copy of a styleguide
Transferring a styleguideLearn how to transfer a global styleguide's ownership
Archiving a styleguideLearn how to archive a global styleguide
Activating an archived styleguideLearn how to activate an archived global styleguide
Deleting a styleguideLearn how to delete a global styleguide