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Exporting Figma sections to Zeplin
Exporting Figma sections to Zeplin

Learn how to export Figma sections to your Zeplin project

Okan avatar
Written by Okan
Updated this week

You can publish your designs in a Figma section to create sections automatically in your Zeplin project.

To get started, run the Zeplin plugin in Figma, right-click anywhere on your canvas, and select “Plugins > Zeplin” to launch it.

Now, select a Figma section to publish designs in it — you’ll notice how many sections, frames, or components will be exported in the plugin.

Exporting Figma sections to Zeplin

Once they're exported, Zeplin will create sections in your project in the same hierarchy as in your Figma file. If some of the sections you're exporting are already in Zeplin, then the plugin makes the updates based on the section's location in Zeplin.

Zeplin supports three levels of nested sections. If you export a nested section that has more than three levels, fourth and more levels will be created as a separate third-level subsection in your project. You can learn more about managing your sections and moving screens between sections easily here.

If you change the location or the name of a section in your Zeplin project, Zeplin will update the designs in their latest place when you re-export them from Figma. This means re-exporting will not reset the changes made for the sections in Zeplin.

When there's a section manually created in your project, Zeplin will also match the section with its name if you export a Figma section with the same name.

💁‍♀️ If you don't want to export sections but only the frames or components in your section, you can select them without selecting the section itself. You can always check the plugin to notice how many sections, frames, or components are selected to export.

☝️ Zeplin creates sections only for screens. Creating sections for styleguide components via the Figma plugin is currently not supported.

If you would like to learn more about Zeplin's Figma integration or any other topics related to Zeplin, reach out to our Customer Success crew at to schedule a 30-minute call.

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