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FAQ about the Advanced plan subscription
FAQ about the Advanced plan subscription
Didem avatar
Written by Didem
Updated over a week ago

How is the Advanced plan priced?

The Advanced plan’s pricing is per-seat based. As you add more seats, the fee for each additional seat will be prorated, and your credit card on file will be billed dynamically at the end of your monthly billing cycle.

You can still invite users who need to access designs (without technical specs) and add comments for free as Reviewers. Reviewers don’t take up paid seats.

It's $12/seat per month if you subscribe annually, and $15/seat per month if you subscribe monthly.

What is a “seat”?

Seats represent the number of users you subscribed for.

I subscribe to the monthly Advanced plan for 5 seats. I’m currently the only member in the workspace, and my role is Owner. So, I can invite 4 more members with paid roles to my workspace.

What is a “member”?

Members are users invited to your workspace, including Developers, Editors, Developers, and Reviewers.

I'm the Owner of our workspace, and I invited 4 more users. I assigned one of them as an Admin and assigned the rest as Developers.

In addition, I invited 1 more user as a Reviewer. I’ll not be billed for this user since the Reviewer is free of charge.

We now have 6 members in our workspace.

Who needs a seat in the Advanced plan?

A seat is required to publish designs, access technical specs, and download assets. Accessing a project and reading/adding comments or annotations does not require a seat. Owner, admins, designers, and developers need seats in the Advanced plan.

How can I switch between workspaces?

On Zeplin, all users start with a Personal Workspace. When you upgrade to the Advanced plan, you get an additional workspace. You can access your team workspace by using the dropdown menu at the top left:

💁‍♀️ If you're on a version before Zeplin's Summer Breeze release, this dropdown menu is located in the middle at the top of your screen.

How can I add more seats to my subscription?

Inviting members from the workspace Billing page

Click the settings button on your Workspace Members page and head to the Billing tab. There, you can add seats to your workspace.

When you add seats, you can allocate them right away. You’ll be billed at the end of the month for the prorated amount if you’re on the annual billing cycle. If you’re on the monthly billing cycle, you’ll see the prorated amount in your next invoice.

I have 3 designers on our team. I added 3 more seats to my workspace from the Billing page to invite them, and I can see the exact amount I’ll be billed for these additional seats on the Billing page.

Inviting members from the Workspace Members page

You can also add members from your Workspace Members page. When you invite a user with a role that requires a seat (Admin, Editor, or Developer), if your workspace doesn’t have any seats available, Zeplin will apply a 7-day grace period before incurring a charge for the seat. Within the grace period, you can either confirm or revert the changes, or remove the members from the workspace completely. Learn more about the grace period here.

You can learn more about inviting members here.

How can I remove seats from my subscription?

To remove seats, you first need to free them. You can remove members from your workspace member list or change their roles to Reviewer which is free of charge.

Then, click the settings button on your Workspace Members page and head to the Billing tab. There, you’ll see how many seats are in use. You can remove as many seats as there are unused seats from your subscription, by using the “Remove seats” button.

When you remove seats, it’ll take effect on your next renewal date. You’ll see a pending change that lists the number of seats you’ll have and the amount you’ll pay at the renewal date.

If you want to change the number of seats you want to remove, you can update it from the same button. Your pending change will be updated immediately.

We have 8 paid seats in the subscription, but use 5 of them. To continue with 5 seats, I removed 3 seats from the Billing page. I’ll pay for 5 seats on the next renewal.

Managing pending seat changes

You can cancel a pending seat change anytime you want and go back to using the seat number you had previously.

☝️ If you decide to add a new user with an Admin, Editor, or Developer role, your pending seat change will be canceled automatically.

What happens when I remove members from the Workspace Members page?

Removing members from the Workspace Members page doesn’t remove their seats. For example, when you remove an Admin, Editor, or Developer from your workspace, you can allocate their seat to another member.

You can learn more about removing workspace members here.

For which roles do I need to pay?

The Owner, Admin, Editor, and Developer roles take up a paid seat, Reviewer role is free of charge. You can learn more about roles and how to assign them here.

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