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Collaborate in Zeplin with the entire team—share designs, use Comments & Annotations, Stage Mode, and so on
Sharing designs and styleguide publiclyLearn how to share your designs and styleguide publicly
Sharing App URIsLearn how to share App URIs with your team, for projects or screens
Getting started with CommentsLearn how to add comments to screens
Grouping comments by colorsLearn how to group comments by colors
Viewing and filtering comments by status and colorsLearn how to view all comments, filter them by status and colors
Getting started with AnnotationsLearn more about Annotations in Zeplin
Adding annotations to a screenLearn how to add annotations to a screen
Linking annotations to componentsLearn how to link annotations to components
Filtering annotations on a screenLearn how to filter annotations
Deleting an annotationLearn how to delete an annotation
Getting started with ApprovalsLearn how your team can establish structured approval and signoff process.
Requesting a design approvalLearn how to request approvals from your teammates
Reviewing an approval requestLearn how to review an approval request
Using the Approval Status tag groupLearn more about the Approval Status tag group